Hair emergency: let’s learn how to cut it from home
Few tools, a little patience and some useful advice for him and her (in italian only)
The hairdressers are closed, how do we cut our hair?
Without the help of a professional it seems an impossible undertaking and the fear is that of combining a disaster.
Yet, with a few simple tips, the necessary tools and a few videos to help, we can easily do it from home, as long as the intent is to make simple cuts, lightly thin the hair or intervene on the fringe.
What are the necessary tools?
scissors with sharp and precise blades, absolutely to avoid nail scissors, or a hair-cutting razor;
a comb to divide the hair and smooth it to the best;
some clips or clothespins to collect the various locks;
one or more elastic bands necessary to carry out some basic steps for different cuts, for example the scaled cut;
spray water to keep hair wet and often moistened during cutting
For him
Tagliare i capelli di un uomo
For Her
taglio scalato oppure per tagliare la frangia
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