
A cool place for a walk, to relax reading a book in the shade of a tree, to play with your children or to attend an event: in Sirmione, in the old town centre and in the surrounding area, there are many places where you can take a break in the greenery, between visits to monuments and various points of interest in the town and its surroundings.

Parks in the historical town centre of Sirmione include:
Tomelleri Park
Maria Callas Park

The parks in Colombare di Sirmione:
San Vito Park
Brema Park

The parks in Lugana di Sirmione:
via Todeschino Park
Senza Frontiere Park
Alpini Park
Punta Grò Park


The map of the parks of Sirmione

The Urban Police Regulation states that in public gardens, flowerbeds and tree-lined avenues and paths, and in general in all municipal green areas, it is prohibited:

  • step on, sit or lie down on flowered or sown flowerbeds
  • light open fires outside the equipped areas and throw matches, butts or other objects that could cause fires into direct contact with the ground
  • bivouack and, outside the equipped areas, eat meals by setting up tables, benches and the like or light braziers. When the consumption of meals or snacks takes place in areas designed for this purpose, those involved must ensure that the area and the equipment used are cleaned.
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