The timeless wonders of the Vatican Museums

The Sistine Chapel, the Papyrus Room, the Chiaramonti Museum, the Raphael Rooms and other masterpieces

THURSDAY 4TH JUNE 2020 This article is older than 1 year

Musei Vaticani  reopened on Monday 1st June 2020, but some visit routes are still available on their website to discover and admire the beauty of many timeless masterpieces.

On the Musei Vaticani website is possible to visit and explore some of the most important spaces by focusing on the details, even minimal, of the individual works reproduced in high definition most relevant: from the Sistine Chapel to the Sala dei Papiri, from the Chiaramonti Museum to the Braccio Nuovo, from the Raphael Rooms to the Niccolina Chapel, up to the Sala dei Chiaroscuri.

Musei Vaticani were founded by Pope Julius II in 1506 and opened to the public in 1771 and they are one of the most important art collections in the world.

Musei Vaticani official website

Musei Vaticani on Wikipedia

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