ANGER: the winner of the first week of the Block Notes Photo Contest

The winners and the gallery of all the photographs in the competition

Published on : 17 April 2024

ANGER, the original interpretation by Mirko Bussola is the winner of the first week of the Block Notes Photo Contest.

The Jury awarded a Special Mention to the photography of Patrizio Bussetti.

97 photographs in competition.

The Block Notes Photo Contest lasts 4 weeks, participation is free and photographs can be taken anywhere. All the info to participate in the Block Notes Photo Contest

The photo gallery of the winners and all the photographs in the competition

The Sirmione Award for Photography is supported by:

Direzione regionale Musei Lombardia – Bertoldi Boats – Cà dei Frati – Tenuta Fronte Lago – Cà Lojera – Cascina Maddalena – Garda Tours – Hotel Catullo – Trattoria il Vecchio ‘800 – Corte Anna – Azienda Agricola Sgreva – Azienda Agricola Pasetto Emilio – Hotel Continental – Ristorante Casa dei Pescatori – Ristorante le Palme

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