Cinema inspired by Leonardo’s Last Supper
The Last Supper proposes 4 projections influenced by the most quoted painting in the history of cinema. (in italian only)
The Last Supper offers streaming vision of some of the films proposed in the itinerary The Last Supper for images, made last year, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci
It is a way to broaden your knowledge of the history of Leonardo’s work, to measure the influence it has exerted. But it is also an opportunity to bring a delicate and, of course, non-transportable work into everyone’s home.
A choice born from a simple mathematical evidence: Leonardo’s Supper is probably the most quoted painting in the history of cinema.
On the website of the Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano for 4 weeks starting from April 10, 2020, a link will be made available for access to watching a film through the Cineteca di Milano website.
With a short video the General Director of the Cineteca di Milano dr. Matteo Pavesi, will introduce the upcoming film.
Il Cinema ispirato dall’Ultima Cena di Leonardo
Tutti i suggerimenti di #iorestoacasa ma non rinuncio alla cultura
Última Cena, Juan de Juanes, 1562, Madrid, Museo del Prado