Maria Callas is in Sirmione with her most tormented and tragic heroines

Cristina de Middel wins the challenge of telling her voice, her gestures and her dramas without being able to photograph her

FROM 10TH JUNE TO 5TH NOVEMBER 2023, PALAZZO CALLAS EXHIBITIONS This article is older than 1 year

When the great Spanish photographer Cristina de Middel arrived in Sirmione for the first preparatory inspections, she knew that she would have to face a particularly demanding artistic and narrative challenge: telling Maria Callas, her voice, her gestures and her dramas without being able to photograph her.

Two years later, visiting Legato and Staccato, her video photography exhibition, we can say with certainty that the challenge has been largely overcome and in the halls of Palazzo Callas Exhibitions Maria Callas has finally arrived with 5 of her most tormented and tragic heroines.

LEGATO and STACCATO. Cristina de Middel Homage to Maria Callas Video and photo exhibition

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