European Heritage Days 2023

23rd and 24th September 2023: a weekend really full of events for Garda Museums! (in Italian only)

SATURDAY 23RD AND SUNDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER 2023 This article is older than 1 year

Scaligero Castle
Borders’ Castles. The Scaliger defensive system between 12th and 14th century

Saturday 23rd September, 2:30 pm, in occasion of European Heritage Days will be presented the project Borders’ Castles.

Il sistema difensivo scaligero tra XII e XIV secolo, un approfondimento sul sistema fortificato che da Sirmione raggiungeva Valeggio, eretto a difesa dei territori scaligeri in epoca medioevale. Saranno presentati i castelli di Sirmione, Ponti sul Mincio, Monzambano e Valeggio sul Mincio che rappresentavano, tra il XIII e XIV secolo, il confine del territorio scaligero verso i Visconti (ad est) e i Gonzaga (a sud).

Fanno parte del progetto anche una guida cartacea e una mappa online che permette la visualizzazione dei percorsi ciclabili.

After the presentation will follow a guided tour to Sirmione Castle with the director Fulvio Besana.
The entrance to the museum is free for the conference attendees. 

Catullus’ Grottoes 
Hidden lanterns: discovering Catullus’ Grottoes

Saturday 23rd from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm and Sunday 24th from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm Catullus’ Grottoes invite you to take part to orienteering activities, going to discover the archaeological area through a map that will be handled at the entrance of the Museum. 

Durante il percorso saranno posizionate delle “lanterne” (piccoli cartelli numerati) con all’interno gli indizi per le tappe del gioco.

Free activity with paid entrance ticket. 

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm the staff of the museum will guide the public with free guided tours included in the entrance ticket. Available also in English.

Booking recommended at +39 030 916157.

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