14th Collective exhibition of Sirmione artists
14^ Collective exhibition of Sirmione artists
Palazzo Callas Exhibitions,
11th December – 30th January 2022
Green Pass required
Free entrance, booking recommended.
A marriage of all colours
A horizon where the gaze is lost
Where everything is already there
Where everything begins
A landing strip for the imagination
This is Palazzo Callas Exhibitions today: a place of free and protected expression for the artists in Sirmione.
A space in which art is enjoyed and discussed without haste, without fear, as we have learned from the exhibitions hosted in the past, in this extraordinary place that is Sirmione.
A safe house where we can meet every year, to gather in friendship, without the need to understand, but rather to simply enjoy the encounter.
“Asking what art is is like asking what life is: a question of inescapable suggestion and force“.
(Roberto Pasini)
Sono quasi 40 gli artisti, pittori, scultori, fotografi e poeti che hanno deciso di esserci anche quest’anno e, insieme, hanno dato vita ad una mostra come sempre ricca di interessanti suggestioni sottolineate e esaltate da un allestimento sempre originale.
Paraschiva Agavriloaie, Elisabetta Arici, Luisa Baccinelli, Renata Barilli, Roberto Bellini, Silvia Bertolina, Fabrizio Biolchi, Marco Bombana, Massimo Bottura, Barbara Bottura, Elia Brighenti, Umberto Cagliari, Maria Gioia Casagrande, Emanuela Castigliego, Nazzareno Coccia, Maria Chiara Dal Cero, Aurelio Drago, Alessandro Duina, Mauro Duina, Fabio Faccioli, Benedetta Ferranti, Cristina Gaiera, Fabio Giacomini, Tiziana Grisoni, Vito Grisoni, Alessia Maggio, Tanja Mastroiacovo, Chiara Mezzana, Enrico Mezzana, Antonello Perin, Maria Teresa Pietta, Anna Prandi, Marina Rossi, Giuseppe Rossini, Loretta Signori, Damiano Valbusa, Luciano Vicentini, Serena Maya Visconti, Renato Vismara, Elena Volongo.
14^ mostra collettiva degli artisti sirmionesi
Palazzo Callas Exhibitions,
11 dicembre – 30 gennaio 2022
Orario di apertura
Venerdì: 15.00 – 18.00
Sabato, domenica e festivi: 10.30 – 12.30 / 15.00 – 18.00
Green Pass richiesto
Ingresso gratuito, consigliata la prenotazione.
WHITE TO WRITE, la locandina stampabile