An Italian bath at the foot of the mountains

France 2, the main French public television channel, dedicates a long report to Sirmione and Lake Garda

Published on : 14 June 2023 This article is older than 1 year

“The tourist heart of Lake Garda is Sirmione, but at the tip of the peninsula you can think of being in the Caribbean”.

France 2, the main French public television channel, in the 13:00 edition of the news on 12 June, broadcast a long report entitled “The most beautiful lake in the world“, and if the French say so...

A large part of the service is dedicated to Sirmione but the whole lake is well narrated.

Also Francesca Roman on Giornale di dedicates an article to France: “Il lago di Garda protagonista sulla tv francese con la guida Chiara Bertoldi

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