Block Notes Photo Contest 2023: the final winner

The Jury chooses the pictured storytelling by Ralph Milewski who wins a stay in Sirmione

FRIDAY 19TH MAY 2023 This article is older than 1 year

The Block Notes Photo Contest 2023 has its Final Winner: Ralph Milewski.

The German photographer with his four pictures convinced the Jury telling himself, his home, his neighborhood and his city and has been awarded a stay in Sirmione for two people.

Carlo Cattaneo and Stefania Caldera, instead, have deserved a Special Mention.

Every week for four weeks the photographs have told a dimension that from intimate and individual has become always more public and collective and, every week, the Jury has chosen a winner and assigned some mentions.

Among the 53 photographers that took part in all the 4 weeks of the Contest, the Jury has then chosen  the pictured storytelling overall more interesting and balanced.

The winners of the four weeks of Block Notes Photo Contest were: Simone Matti, Sara Zafarana, Antonella Pallavicino and Carlo Cattaneo (all the winning photographs, mentions and complete galleries of all the competing photographs can be seen in the page dedicated Block Notes Photo Contest 2023).


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