Access bridge to the historic center: precautionary measures
To safeguard safety, vehicles with a mass exceeding 3.5 tons will not allowed to transit
The Command of the Local Police of Sirmione, having taken note of the assessments of the technicians relating to the conditions of the access bridge to the Historic Center, without prejudice to the prohibitions already contained in ordinance no. 20/2022, communicates that,
as a precaution, starting from Wednesday 11 January 2023 and until revoked, transit on the access bridge to the Historic Center is prohibited for vehicles with a total mass when fully loaded exceeding 3.5 tonnes.
The measure concerns only the holders of an exemption, as the prohibition of access to the aforementioned vehicles was already contained in the ordinance n. 20/2022 which regulates access to the Historic Centre.
A notice with specific signs will be placed at the Welcome Point and the guardhouse in order to promptly inform of this measure.