Georges Simenon and his Maigret, “the destiny settler”
The French commissioner is the protagonist of eighty-four novels and eighteen short stories
Simenon has certainly consumed thousands of pencils as he has written about 220 novels translated into more than sixty languages worldwide.
Commissioner Maigret is at the center of Simenon’s eighty-four novels and eighteen novels: certainly the police commissioner has made him famous and still makes him one of the most loved writers ever.
It looked like this: “Not that he looked like cops popularized by caricatures. He didn’t have a mustache or double-soled shoes. He wore fine, well-cut woolen clothes. He also shaved every morning and had manicured hands. But the structure was plebeian. Maigret was huge and well-boned. Hard muscles stood out under his jacket and quickly deformed even the newest trousers. ”
Maigret ha un passato traumatico, è sposato con Louise, originaria dell’Alsazia, ama il buon cibo ed il buon vino, abita a Parigi ma quando può scappa nella sua provincia, a Meung-sur-Loire.
Faithful to his habits (including the omnipresent and inevitable pipe), often gloomy and in a bad mood, Maigret takes pleasure in doing things alone, even the same stalking: it is as if he doesn’t trust others, starting with his inspectors.
He conducts an investigation in a completely new way for the time, reconstructing human truth with great capacity and wit and then arriving at the background that caused the drama and the tests to be able to frame the culprit.
He abandons the question “who did it?“, Typical of the classic English mystery, relying on instinct and trying to understand why those dramatic events occurred, investigating the past and present existence of the person who committed the crime.
I romanzi di Maigret nella MLOL – Media Library OnLine
“Maigret a Pigalle”, il film su RaiPlay
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