Social Media Wine
Workshop and Barbara Sgarzi’s (author) book presentation
Curated by Azienda Agricola Cà dei Frati

Date: Friday 21 February 2020

Time: 18:30 - 22:00

Location: Azienda Agricola Ca dei Frati, via Frati

Type: Food and wine

Review: Eventi enogastronomici

The complete program of conferences organized by the Cà dei Frati with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Sirmione:
21st February 2020
6:30 pm : free workshop with the journalist Barbara Sgarzi, expert in social media. Reservation is required.
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7:30 pm: guided tour of the Ca ‘dei Frati cellar and small buffet
8:30 pm: presentation of the book by Barbara Sgarzi Social Media Wine, ed. Apogeo, 2019. The presentation is open to the public without reservations.

20th March, 2020
8:30 pm: Wine in the history of art. Conference with Professor Sandro Barbagallo, art critic, Curator of the Lateran Treasury Museum
Free admission, without reservation, subject to availability.

9th April, 2020
6:00 pm: Geological Atlas of Italian wines. Vine, soil and climatic factors, Presentation of the book by Attilio Scienza, professor of biology and genetics of the vine at the State University of Milan
Professor Scienza will focus in particular on the Turbiana grape variety of which he has studied DNA identifying it as an autochthonous grape of the Lugana area.
Free admission, without reservation, subject to availability.

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