Upcoming events in Sirmionefrom 25 September to 1 October 2023

Saturday 1 April 2023 - Tuesday 31 October 2023
Lake Garda Photo Challenge
Sirmione Award for Photography 2023
The photographic competitions of Lake Garda are starting again 5 photography contests, 12 months of exciting challenges for photography enthusiasts and experts, tourists and all lovers of Lake ...
Saturday 10 June 2023 - Sunday 5 November 2023
Palazzo Callas Exhibitions
Legato and Staccato
Cristina de Middel Homage to Maria Callas
Video and photo exhibition
La Divina emozione. Sirmione Callas 21 23
Opening Hours from 10th June until 1st October Every day 10:30-12:30 and 4:30-7:00pm Friday and Saturday 10:30-12:30 and 4:30-10:00pm Closed on Mondays, except public holidays From 3rd ...
Monday 25 September 2023 | 21:00 - 23:00
Spiaggia delle Muse
Jazz Concert: Cara Callas. Women voice
La Divina emozione. Sirmione Callas 21 23
Concert previously scheduled for Friday 22 September, postponed due to adverse weather forecasts The story of an era through the female voices that have marked it. Cristina Zavalloni, voice, ...
Tuesday 26 September 2023 | 18:00 - 19:30
Biblioteca Comunale
Italian course for foreigners / Cours de langue Italienne pour les etrangers
26 lessons of 1h 30min on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
26 cours de 1h30 le mardi et le jeudi soir de 18h00 à 19h30
Free course reserved for adults: 26 lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 26th September to 21st December / Cours gratuit réservé aux adultes: 26 cours le mardi et jeudi The course permits ...
Wednesday 27 September 2023 | 14:00 - 16:00
Parties and social activities
Centro Risorse Sociali, piazza Virgilio n. 19
Dai nonno racconta (in Italian only)
Open meeting to present the project
A theatrical laboratory with Viandanze theatre in collaboration with primary school. Booking required: Eleonora 0309909161
Wednesday 27 September 2023 | 20:45 - 22:45
Palazzo Callas Exhibitions, sala Catullo
My Callas
Documentary about the life of Maria Callas (in italian only)
With Roberto Dassoni, director and Fabio Larovere, journalist
La Divina emozione. Sirmione Callas 21-23
Booking required Complete calendar, info and booking: visitsirmione.com
Thursday 28 September 2023 | 17:00 - 18:00
Biblioteca Comunale
Sirmione Book Club. KIDS
The Kids’s Reading Group of the Municipal Library
Sirmione Book Club dedicated to children (in Italian only) Complete calendar and info: visitsirmione.com
Thursday 28 September 2023 | 17:00 - 21:00
Palazzo Callas Exhibitions, sala Catullo
City Council Meeting
In Italian only.
Friday 29 September 2023 - Saturday 30 September 2023
Vintage cars and motorcycles
Piazzale Porto
Historical cars racing
Historical cars racing Info: visitsirmione.com
Friday 29 September 2023 - Thursday 28 September 2023
Hotel Olivi, Via S. Pietro in Mavino, 5
Peppa Pig: How a successful cartoon is born
Meeting with Phil Davies, producer of the famous series
Phil Davies, of the Astley Baker Davies studio, is the producer of the worldwide acclaimed cartoon Peppa Pig. During the evening, Davies will discuss the creation of the hit animation series, his ...
Sunday 1 October 2023 | 08:00 - 23:30
Parties and social activities
Piazza Virgilio
Pink Ribbon Awareness Day
Sirmione also adheres to the awareness day to show closeness to women affected by breast cancer and raise awareness of the importance of prevention, lighting the fountains of Piazza Virgilio pink
Sunday 1 October 2023 | 09:00 - 15:00
Via Alfieri
Summer bike ride
Open to all those who, with any bicycle, want to participate. The route of about 15 km will unfold in the Sirmione hinterland. The meeting is scheduled at 9:00 in the square in front of the middle ...
Sunday 1 October 2023 | 14:30 - 16:30
Luoghi diversi
GardaLo! Poeticamente G(u)arda
In Italian only
Sunday 1 October 2023 | 17:00 - 19:00
Luoghi diversi
GardaLo! Poeticamente G(u)arda
In Italian only
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