News / Free screening for diabetes prevention Free screening for diabetes prevention By Lions Club Sirmione in collaboration with the Municipal Pharmacy and the Municipality of Sirmione SATURDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2025, FROM 10:00 TO 16:00, PIAZZA CAMPIELLO Share Print Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Ultime news TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2025, 10:00 AM, SOCIAL RESOURCE CENTER (IN ITALIAN ONLY) Protecting Yourself from Scams: Practical Advice for Seniors An informative meeting to learn about the main types of scams and the psychological techniques used by criminals (in Italian only) DA MARTEDÌ 11 MARZO, ORE 14:00, CENTRO RISORSE SCIALI Potenziamento della memoria e gestione dello stress All the dates of the appointments (in italian only) at the Social Resources Center of the Municipality of Sirmione SUNDAY 9TH MARCH 2025, 9:00 AM, PALASPORT Regional Aerial Dance Trophy CSI Lombardia APS Dance Regional Trophy 2025 for the attribution of the title of Regional Champion for the single discipline VENERDÌ 7 MARZO 2025, ORE 18:30, BIBLIOTECA COMUNALE Streghe, processi e roghi. Ma chi faceva davvero paura? Conference in the Library on Criminology with Professor Carlo Alberto Romano (in italian only) WEDNESDAY 26 MARCH 2025, FROM 3:30 PM AT PUNTO GIOVANI IN VIA LAZIO Let’s Dance! Free Hip Hop dance workshop for kids aged 11 to 18