The pink thread of emotions

The images of the installation of the XVI collective exhibition of the Sirmione artists

Published on : 6 December 2023 This article is older than 1 year

The images of the installation of the XVI collective exhibition of the Sirmione artists

The atmospheres of Sirmione do not only inspire loving passion and the kiss, an immortal theme for artists and poets, but also ignite passion in the people involved in the preparation of the Kiss Please exhibition, committed to connecting the works of art with the pink thread of emotions. more diverse art.
In the rooms of Palazzo Callas Exhibitions, the home of the Sirmione artists, each work is carefully linked to the other, in an original installation which is also the dazzling story of love that is born.
The exhibition is open to the public from 8 December 2023 to 10 March 2024. Opening Thursday 7 December 2023, 6 pm.
In the gallery, images of the installation of Kiss Please, the XVI collective exhibition of Sirmione artists
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