Let’s learn Italian

A free Italian course for foreigners: 20 lessons in the Library

FROM TUESDAY 12 MARCH TO TUESDAY 28 MAY 2024, MUNICIPAL LIBRARY This article is older than 1 year

A free Italian course for foreigners: 20 lessons in the Library

Docente: Paolo Bonsignori
Iscrizione gratuita.

Informazioni e iscrizioni: Ufficio Cultura e Turismo del Comune di Sirmione, tel. 030 9909184 / cultura@sirmionebs.it

20 lessons of one and a half hours on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6pm to 7.30pm

in the Library from 12 March to 28 May 2024
Free course reserved for adults

If you want to improve your language skills to better fit into the world of work and the local community, this course will help you learn Italian and will be an opportunity to meet other people from all over the world. The lessons will start from the basics of the Italian language to teach grammar, vocabulary and conversation on various topics useful in daily life, adapting to the linguistic level of the participants. The course will give the opportunity to access the exam to obtain the A2/B1 language certification, which will be held on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

Teacher: Paolo Bonsignori
Free subscription
Information and registration: Culture and Tourism Office of the Municipality of Sirmione, tel. 030 9909184 / cultura@sirmionebs.it

دعدعونا نتعلم اللغة
20 درسًا مدتها ساعة ونصف
الثلاثاء والأربعاء من الساعة 6 مساءً حتى 7.30 مساءً دورة
مجانية للكبار.
في المكتبة من
12 مارس إلى 28 مايو 2024.

Давайте учить итальянский
20 уроков по полтора часа Вторник
и среда с 18:00 до 19:30.
Бесплатный курс
для взрослых.
В библиотеке с
12 марта по 28 мая 2024 г.

आइए इतालवी सीखें डेढ़ घंटे के
20 पाठ
मंगलवार और बुधवार शाम 6 बजे से
7.30 बजे तक
वयस्कों के लिए निःशुल्क
लाइब्रेरी में
12 मार्च से 28 मई 2024 तक.

අපි ඉතාලි ඉගෙන ගනිමු පැය
එකහමාරක පාඩම්
20 ක්
අඟහරුවාදා සහ බදාදා සවස 6 සිට 7.30
වැඩිහිටියන් සඳහා නොමිලේ පාඨමාලාව.
2024 මාර්තු 12 සිට මැයි 28 දක්වා පුස්තකාලයේ.

Impariamo l’italiano, la locandina

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