New information panels for parking available in Sirmione
The smart parking project for residents, tourists and workers continues
The smart parking project for residents, tourists and workers continues
With the aim of optimizing parking management and improving circulation along the Sirmione peninsula and in the historic centre, a network of electronic signs has been installed which allows real-time information on the availability of parking spaces in various car parks. Sirmione.
Thanks to the new panels it now becomes easier to quickly find a parking space near the historic center, thus avoiding traffic jams and unnecessary queues for visitors, workers and citizens arriving in Sirmione.
The panels were placed in some key points:
• Via Brescia, at the Via Giacomo Matteotti roundabout
• Via Comunità Europea, at the Via Carlo Marx roundabout
• Via Verona, at the Via San Martino roundabout
• Piazza Unità d’Italia
• Via Colombare, at the Via San Martino roundabout
• Montebaldo parking
In addition to providing real-time information on the availability of stalls, the panels provide information on any changes to traffic, emergency situations or service communications. A dedicated panel has also been placed at the entrance to each car park.
The introduction of the new panels follows the activation last year of SirmioPark, the application that provides the user, directly on their smartphone, with a real-time overview of availability within the main car parks in Sirmione – among all for capacity Monte Baldo, with timely information also on timetables, rates, payment methods and geolocation which with a simple click allows you to activate navigation to the point of interest.
By visiting it is possible to access both via direct link and QR code to the SirmioPark Web App, also available from the tourist portal, within the section dedicated to all useful information on parking.
These are the car parks monitored:
• Monte Baldo car park (474 spaces)
• car park in San Vito (53 spaces)
• car park in via XXV Aprile (127 stalls), divided between Tancredi SOUTH (93 stalls) and NORTH (34 stalls)
• Piazzale Europa (51 stalls)
• Monte Baldo parking area reserved for buses
• Monte Baldo parking area reserved for employees
• Bagnera parking area reserved for employees