Block Notes Photo Contest – First week
Theme: ANGER
Sirmione Award for Photography 2024

Date: Sunday 7 April 2024 - Sunday 14 April 2024

Location: Sirmione

Type: Photography

Review: Premio Sirmione per la fotografia

The Block Notes Photo Contest is a free online photography competition divided into four weekly sessions from Monday to Sunday, open to everyone and the participation is free.
Each photographer can take part with a photograph for each week, to be sent before 11:59 pm on Sunday.
The photographer can describe these different emotions through images that depict people, spaces, objects, animals, situations or other things.
The evaluation will be made both on the single photograph and on the sequence of 4 images.
The pictures can be taken everywhere, it is not necessary that they are related to Sirmione and lake Garda.

The Calendar
Week 1: from Monday 8th to Sunday 14th April 2024
Week 2: from Monday 15th to Sunday 21st April 2024
Week 3: from Monday 22nd to Sunday 28th April 2024
Week 4: from Monday 29th April to Sunday 5th May 2024

For info and to take part: and

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