You too can enter the world of puppets

Shows, workshops and discoveries until 10th September 2024

Published on : 14 August 2024

The puppet theatre festival Sirmione in Scena continues with events to delight adults and children until the end of the summer.Shows, workshops and itinerant performances, from the Lungolago di Lugana to the historic center of Sirmione, to entertain, involve and surprise an audience of all ages… and the video that we present here tells very well the unique dimension that Sirmione in Scena can offer.

The next events of Sirmione in scena:

Monday 19th and 26th August – 2nd and 9th September, 9:00 pm
Parco Don Lino Zorzi
Uno sciame di Burattini su due ruote e un’Ape
Centro Teatrale Corniani

The video “Come on stage too in a puppet world
was produced by the Municipality of Sirmione and made by Filmaker s.n.c.
Director: Peter Facchetti
Director of Photography: Massimo Piccioli

Photographs by Gian Maria Pontiroli

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