Musical Showbiz Academy: Open Day 2024

To experience the thrill of the musical from the stage

TUESDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 2024, 6:00 PM, CENTRO SPORTIVO DI LUGANA, VIA LEONARDO DA VINCI This article is older than 6 months

The Showbiz Musical Academy presents the new academic year 2024/25.

The Musical Academy’s course proposals for adults, teenagers and children in a preview at the Sirmione venue.

The meetings will take place in two stages, an initial presentation meeting and direct talks with all the teachers and a week of free rehearsals.

Thursday 12 September
Centro Sportivo di Lugana, via Leonardo da Vinci
An in-person meeting with artistic director Cristina Spinelli and all the teachers.
6 p.m. Children’s and Teenagers’ Courses
7 p.m. Adults Course

From Tuesday 17 September the trial week for new students to get to know the disciplines that make up the courses better with free lessons.

Information and registration for the OPEN DAY in Sirmione

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