Xmas English Cafè
An initiative by the Sirmione Book Club English – Christmas edition

Data: giovedì 12 Dicembre 2024

Ora: 20:00 - 22:00

Luogo: Largo martiri di Piazza della Loggia

Categoria: Cultura

Rassegna: Corsi e incontri culturali

Reservation required. Contribution for dinner €20 to be paid directly to the host structure.
Meeting point: Largo martiri di Piazza della Loggia

English café is the special appointment of the Sirmione book club to expand our love for books and share our experiences related to writing, languages ​​and more. There are monthly meetings organized as follows:
The Sirmione Book Club English, on uneven months in the Public Library, with books proposed by the coordinators.
The English Cafe: a more informal meeting in a more relaxed venue, namely, a bar in the vicinity of the Public Library, on even months.

Calendar, info and bookings: visitsirmione.com

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