Sirmione Book Club English

Data: giovedì 12 Maggio 2022

Ora: 20:45 - 22:30

Luogo: Biblioteca Comunale

Categoria: Cultura

Rassegna: Corsi e incontri culturali

Free admission. Green Pass required.
The audience will be managed by observing the anti covid safety rules
You can book your place at the Sirmione Book Club English
for information you can contact the Municipal Library: 030.9909174

After the Sirmione Book Club and the Sirmione Book Club Kids (both in Italian only), a brand new edition of our Book Club series is born: the Sirmione Book Club English: a reading group coordinated by Rosemary Williamson.
You can quickly and easily become part of a club of readers where you can share the pleasure of a book and bring your contribution to the debate that will open from time to time on the proposed texts. The Sirmione Book Club English is open to everybody, even though a good english (read and spoken) is needed.

The meetings will be held every second Thursday of the month, every other month, from 8.45 pm to 10.30 pm at the Municipal Library of Sirmione. In each meeting, the book presented the previous time will be discussed and the book that will be discussed in the next meeting will be revealed. The first evening will be dedicated to the presentation of the project and the announcement of the title that will launch the initiative.

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