English Cafè – Quiz Time!
An initiative by the Sirmione Book Club English

Data: giovedì 13 Aprile 2023

Ora: 20:00 - 22:30

Luogo: Cafè Promenade, Piazza Virgilio 17, 25019 Sirmione BS

Rassegna: Sirmione Book Club

Discuss books in English is so engaging and fun that the Sirmione Book Club English double its meetings with this new initiative: the English Cafe! Our English reading group now features monthly encounters, organized as follows:

The Sirmione Book Club English, on uneven months in the Public Library, with books proposed by the coordinator Rosemary Williamson.
The new English Cafe: a more meeting on the second thursdays of even months, where to more freely talk about books we’d like to read, share, propose. For this particular meeting the Club will move to a more relaxed venue, namely, a bar in the nearby of the Public Library.

Please book your place at the English Cafe at www.visitsirmione.com
For information you can contact the Public Library: 030 9909174

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