Yoga between sounds and nature
The Morning Mantra
By the Shiva Shakti Yoga Center

Date: Sunday 18 June 2023

Time: 05:15 - 07:00

Location: Casa del Pescatore, Punta Grò

Type: Parties and social activities

Review: Attività sociali e ricreative

Activities for beginners and experts. It is necessary to bring a mat, a blanket and what is needed to lie comfortably outdoors in the summer.

Yoga between sounds and nature.
The Morning Mantra: 18 June, 2 and 30 July, 15 and 27 August
Bath of Sounds: 3 June, 15 July, 12 August
Event for a fee. The Mantra of the Morning, 20 euros (residents of Sirmione, 10 euros). Bath of Sounds, 30 euros (residents of Sirmione, 25 euros).
Complete calendar and info:
Booking is required. For booking: | | +39 3407758874

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